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Tameshigiri “Trial By Wood”

I was working on some things last night, and the concept of Tameshigiri came to mind. Tameshigiri, is the Japanese term for the cutting of test targets. You’ve all most likely seen this in movies, or if you’re already interested in the martial arts and that’s something you like to read up or watch content about, you’ve seen the cutting of the Tatami mats for demonstrations and such.

This term also rightfully applies to the “Trial by Wood” one of those Blanket Japanese terms that will apply to different areas of your training as you learn.

Tameshigiri has a purpose. It’s purpose is not to show what a badass you are, or that you can crush through a piece of wood. It’s not a 6” block of Oak, it’s a 1 x 1 x 1 Square of Pine. You can break through it using force. But that’s not what Tameshigiri is all about.. It’s about breaking the wood with a light tap.. But that takes years of training and philosophical growth in the Martial Arts to gain an understanding of how that energy works and how to deposit it accurately with just a light tap, not having to push your way through the wood.

When you begin, Tameshigiri is about showing yourself you can do it. It’s about taking this Gyakuzuki (Reverse Punch) that you’ve been working on for so long, and getting a chance to show yourself its’ effectiveness. It’s about using that technique and that power you’re building up, and  overcoming that obstacle to give yourself the confidence to know that you are making progress, building power, improving in technique, and gaining better mental focus.

But don’t worry, you won’t be breaking wood for a while yet.

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